
The best way to take care of the skin is to give it the best ingredients, only benefits we will find if we know how to use them on our skin..

Let's start by reviving this note about VITAMINS for our skin..

But first of all, what is an antioxidant?

✴️We should know that we do not age but we oxidize, either by our own body functions (metabolism) called endogenous oxidation, or by external oxidants (sun, pollution, poor diet) causing endogenous oxidation

✴️Reactive species of oxidation directly damage our cells and their DNA 🧬 creating aging, stains or even cancer.

❇️That's why if we want to have a healthy and beautiful skin antioxidants are an excellent tool plus we currently have many options of antioxidant ingredients, so we can choose the best (or the best combination for each patient) for each patient.

❇️There are antioxidants that our own body produces e.g. Super oxide dismutase, melatonin or ubiquinone... however under normal conditions they diminish with age and giving our skin topically the nutrients that it is gradually losing will keep it healthier and more beautiful.

❇️Others are acquired from other sources (resveratrol) or synthesized from other components (Gluconolactone).

✴️Each antioxidant will have different characteristics that make it Ideal for a certain problem or skin type.

🤗Consult your dermatologist to adjust a routine and include antioxidants

❇️In this part we went natural... all these antioxidants are extracted, purified, concentrated from plant products, after doing this their activity and absorption level is investigated to later check their effectiveness as an antioxidant as well as their other functions.

❇️Traditional medicine is intertwined with the richness of nature and nowadays with technological and scientific development we can take advantage of the benefits of nature ensuring the greatest effectiveness and decreasing the risk of adverse effects.